Climate skepticRegarding “Goodbye North Pole?” (Winter, 2005 EIJ “Around the world”) You mention that the media is not covering thebiggest news story in recent history as the m...
EI Staff
Safe Food and Fertilizer
Whenmost people think of recycling, they think of aluminum cans, newspaper,glass, milk jugs, and cardboard being diverted from landfills toconserve resources for future generations. That is, after all...
Patricia Martin
Food fight
What’sin a name? That was the question riling the sustainable food communitylast fall as consumer groups, farmers and food processors battled overwhether to amend the USDA’s “organic...
Jason Mark
Divine destruction
Photos.comIn1845, New York journalist John O’Sullivan coined the phrase “ManifestDestiny,” an expression that would remain shorthand during the latenineteenth century for the belief ...
Stephenie Hendricks
Baikal Watch
Theterm “frozen” often connotes “immune to change.” Perhaps no land is sofirmly tied to that word as Siberia. Of all parts of Siberia, no placeso richly deserves this connectio...
Joshua K. Hartshorne
Dumbing down smart growth
Citylimits carved in stone? Heavy-handed public transportation mandates?Wisconsin’s controversial comprehensive planning law is relativelyinnocuous compared to the accusations critics have level...
Katherine Friedrich
Refining Power
Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez builds new alliances with oil
Hunter Jackson
International Marine Mammal Project
Victory in the Solomon Islands
EI Staff
Anuradha Mittal
What will it take for the WTO to notice starving
children in Niger or Malawi?Trade negotiators from 148 countries gathered at the sixth World Trade Organization (WTO) ministerial in Hong Kong in Dec...
Anuradha Mittal
Freeing Keiko
How activists worked to liberate the worlds most famous orca
Kenneth Brower
Earth Island project reports
Billy Parish, a former Brower Youth Awards winner and the founder of Energy Action, was featured in the November 3 issue of Rolling Stone. The profile was part of an article called “Warriors and...
EI Staff
Local News from All Over
AfricaPachyderm pactTwelvecountries in West Africa – Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’ Ivoire, Guinea,Guniea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone,and Togo – have a...
EI Staff
Viva Sierra Gorda
Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve
Laura P. Pérez-Arce
Ethical Traveler
Best ethical travel destinations
Jeff Greenwald and Kiran Auerbach
In Review
Letters from Young Activists: Today’s Rebels Speak Out
Audrey Webb
Everyone’s got a story
Kevin Connelly
Chris Clarke
Sex, sea turtles, and the Seri
KinoBay, Sonora, Mexico: Standing at the bow of the boat, Ramon Lopez – anelder Seri man – observes the horizon, the color of the sea, thesmells, and the islands, just as his ancestors hav...
Winona LaDuke
One of thetough things about this job is that working with so many passionate,committed activists, and being charged with representing their work toour readership, it’s hard to avoid coming clos...
Chris Clarke
UniversitÁrea Protegida
UniversitÁrea Protegida (UÁP) is completing its second year supporting Nicaraguan universitystudents doing ecological and social research in rural communitiesthroughout the country. Many...
Olin Cohan
California energy crisis trial looms
Thefederal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is expected to rule soon afterpress time on a key piece of evidence, kick-starting the long awaitedcriminal trial involving Houston-based Reliant Energy&rsquo...