- Water is necessary for life. We all know this, but many in the
industrialized North take their water supply for granted. Water always
flows when we turn on our taps.
Water is not taken for granted in other parts of the world. It is
generally accepted that more than 1 billion people lack access to clean
water and the health, economic and developmental consequences of this
reality are dire.
Women and children spend hours collecting dirty water each day. A
family cannot prosper if it spends hours each day fetching water.
Diarrhea, typhoid, cholera and other water-borne diseases haunt
poor communities throughout the world. This is the price that families
pay for a glass of water.
The World Health Organization (WHO) argues that more than 2
million people die each year from diarrhea linked to inadequate water
supply. Most are children under 5 years old. These deaths are silent
deaths, far from the cameras and the news. Perhaps today a child will
die down the road from where I sit in Mozambique. Tomorrow the death
will occur across town. A child’s death is gruesome to behold - all for
a glass of clean water.
Development workers focused on water supply are often frustrated.
Despite all our efforts, the number of people without clean water
continues to climb. Water projects fail throughout the world every day
because of inappropriate technologies, poor operation and maintenance,
or because governments and communities lack the funds to purchase
chlorine and other chemicals to treat water and make it safe to drink.
But water rarely stops flowing out of malice, hate or punishment.
Even the cruelest dictators in the world would not use water as a
weapon of war - the suffering would be too profound.
A Thirst for Vengeance
Many Americans worry about water as a weapon of war, particularly since
September 11. Americans are right to worry. If terrorists could
contaminate US water supplies, the impact would be cataclysmic.
Americans would be fighting other Americans over the last supplies of
bottled water at the convenience store. That baby dying of diarrhea
could be a child down the street in Maryland, or Wisconsin or
California. Tomorrow it could be my own child.
Sadly, however, water is being used as a weapon of war - and America is the culprit.
Since the end of the Gulf War in 1991, the US has enforced
sanctions on Iraq that include a ban on shipments of equipment and
chemicals necessary for water supply. Despite criticism from the
international community and over the objections of other UN Security
Council members, the US has strenuously defended tight sanctions on
water treatment chemicals and equipment on the grounds that Iraq could
divert these items to the military.
UNICEF, WHO and other concerned development institutions and human
rights groups have questioned the US stance, correctly arguing that the
inclusion of these goods on UN sanctions lists has no military or
security logic.
Thomas J. Nagy of George Washington University has unearthed
documents from the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) that clearly
show the US’ concerns about the diversion of water treatment equipment
and chemicals is disingenuous. In an article in the September 2001
issue of The Progressive, Nagy’s research exposed the whole strategy behind the sanctions - and it is evil.
The documents prove that the US has knowingly understood the human
consequences of denying vital water-treatment chemicals to Iraq. The US
has denied these critical water-treatment chemicals with intent of
wreaking havoc on Iraq’s water supply system.
A January 1991 DIA report that was circulated widely within the
Bush Sr. Administration, highlighted Iraq’s water-treatment
vulnerabilities. The report argues that the disruption of water
treatment facilities “will result in a shortage of pure drinking water
for much of the (Iraqi) population” and predicted that Iraq’s water
treatment capacity would take six months to “fully degrade.” After this
point, widespread disease, “if not epidemics,” would ensue.
It was essential, the DIA report argued, that water-treatment
supplies not be exempted from the UN sanctions for humanitarian
reasons. With such supplies banned, the DIA noted, “no adequate
solution exists for Iraq’s water purification dilemma, since no
suitable alternatives, including looting supplies from Kuwait,
sufficiently meet Iraqi needs.” Subsequent DIA reports document that
the sanctions had reduced Iraq’s water supplies to a mere 5 percent of
As CNN reported on November 29, 2001, “the biggest problem in Iraq
right now is not a lack of food or even medicine - it is a lack of
clean water, and that is because the infrastructure is not being
repaired. And it can’t be fully repaired without major imports of
equipment. UNICEF says the biggest single reason that children are
still dying at an abnormally high rate here appears to be that many
communities do not have access to clean water.”
The result of sanctions against Iraq has not been the toppling of
Saddam Hussein but rather the death of 5,000 children each month. That
is 60,000 children a year - 500,000 dead children since the Gulf War
Asked about these figures on national television in 1996, former
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright stated that the dying children in
Iraq created “a very hard choice” for the US but “we think the price is
worth it.”
And so vital water-purifying equipment is denied to the people of
Iraq because they have a leader who is viewed as a threat by handful of
the most powerful nations in the world. The casualties in this
stand-off are children. The US knows this and does not care who dies in
the process as long as this one man is dethroned.
The US continues to be the biggest purchaser of Iraqi oil in the
world. If only Iraq’s children were as valuable to Americans as the
liquid that fuels our SUVs.
America needs to ask hard questions of the administrations of
Presidents Bush I, Clinton and Bush II. The international water sector
needs to think clearly about how we respond to this affront.
America will never be great until it defends the rights of all
innocent people in the world, especially in times of war. We have not
done this, despite token efforts with food aid from the sky. The real
proof of our weakness is in our callous response to suffering elsewhere
in the world.
Mr. President, you have given us a false choice. I am neither for
terrorism nor for your war. Rather, I am merely trying to give a child
a clean glass of water. And if the child drinks the water and lives,
then maybe, just maybe, she will remember us fondly.
Edward D. Breslin is a US citizen working with WaterAid in Lichinga,
Mozambique. This essay represents his personal views. WaterAid []
is the UK’s only major charity dedicated exclusively to the provision
of domestic water, sanitation and hygiene to the world’s poor.
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