Philippe Ames, ©
The atrocities of September 11, 2001 so dominated world news, politics,
military affairs, and the economy that popular discussion soon divided
all of recent history into two categories: “pre-9/11” and “post-9/11.”
For most Americans, the events were not only horrifying, but entirely
The Bush administration’s response to the 9/11 attacks was to bomb
Afghanistan, remove the Taliban regime from power, and install a
compliant interim client government. A few commentators pointed out
that Afghanistan was located near the strategically significant oil and
gas reserves of the Caspian Sea, speculating that the war might be an
effort to enforce the building of a gas pipeline through Afghanistan to
warm-water ports in Pakistan. Others, including some oil-industry
insiders, disputed the idea that the war was essentially about oil or
natural gas, pointing out that Afghanistan wasn’t essential to the
domination of energy resources in the region, and that the proposed
pipeline was of minor economic consequence to the US.
But if not for oil, the US would have little interest in the Middle
East. If not for US involvement in Saudi Arabia, Osama bin Laden might
never have felt compelled to destroy symbols of American economic and
military power.
The Bush administration quickly proclaimed that the Afghanistan
campaign was only the beginning of its “war on terrorism,” and
officials floated lists of other potential targets, numbering from
three to nearly 50 nations. Critics of the Bush policy claimed that the
administration had, in effect, declared war on much of the rest of the
world. Most of the listed nations possessed important oil resources
while many—including Iran and Iraq, both high on the lists—had
little or no discernible relationship with bin Laden or Al Qaeda. Iraq,
of course, has since been invaded, and the despotic regime of Saddam
Hussein cast out. With “terrorism” as its ostensible but elusive enemy,
the Bush administration appeared to be embarking on a plan to use its
military might to gain footholds in strategic regions around the globe,
and perhaps to seize full and direct control of the world’s petroleum
On its face, this was a strategy that made little sense, as it risked
destabilizing the entire Middle East. However, it was more
understandable when viewed in light of information known by the
administration, but obscure to the vast majority of the world’s
population: the rate of the global production of crude oil was about to
The ground giving way
In nearly every year since 1859, the total amount of oil extracted from
the world’s underground reserves has grown—from a few thousand
barrels a year to 65 million barrels per day by the end of the 20th
century, an increase averaging about two percent yearly. Demand has
grown just as dramatically, sometimes lagging behind the erratically
expanding supply. The great oil crises of the 1970s were politically
based; there was no actual physical shortage of oil.
In the latter part of the year 2000, the world price of oil rose
dramatically: from $10 per barrel in February 1999 to $35 per barrel by
September 2000. Meanwhile, a wave of mergers swept the industry. Exxon
and Mobil combined into ExxonMobil, the world’s largest oil company.
Chevron merged with Texaco, Conoco merged with Phillips, BP purchased
Amoco-Arco. Small and medium-sized companies—such as Tosco, Valero,
and Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Corporation—also joined in the mania
for mergers, buyouts, and downsizing. US oil-company mergers,
acquisitions, and divestments totaled $82 billion in 1998 and over $50
billion in 1999.
The oil industry appeared to be in a mode of consolidation, not one of
expansion. As Goldman Sachs put it in an August 1999 report, “The oil
companies are not going to keep rigs employed to drill dry holes. They
know it but are unable… to admit it. The great merger mania is
scaling down of a dying industry in recognition that 90 percent of
global conventional oil has already been found.” Industry insiders
expressed growing concern that fundamental limits to oil production
were within sight.
If this were indeed the case—that world petroleum production would
soon no longer be able to keep up with demand—it should have been
the most important news item of the dawning century, perhaps dwarfing
even the atrocities of 9/11. Oil was what had made 20th-century
industrialism possible; it gave the US its economic and technological
edge during the first two thirds of the century, enabling it to become
the world’s superpower. If oil production slackened, the global economy
would be structurally imperiled. The implications were staggering.
There is every reason to assume that the Bush administration understood
at least the essential outlines of the situation. The President, Vice
President, and National Security Advisor are former oil industry
executives. Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief petroleum-futures guru,
Matthew Simmons, had repeatedly warned his clients of coming
energy-supply crises. Moreover, for many years the CIA had been
monitoring global petroleum supplies. It had, for example, subscribed
to the yearly report of Switzerland-based Petroconsultants, published
at $35,000 per copy, and was surely also aware of their report The World’s Oil Supply 1995, which predicted the peak of global oil production would occur during the first decade of the new century.
Almost nowhere else was this information reported. The New York Times carried the stories of the oil company mergers on its front pages, but
offered little analysis of either the state of the industry or the
geological resources on which it depended. Discover and Popular Science blandly noted that “early in [the new century]... half the world’s
known oil supply will have been used, and oil production will slide
into permanent decline” and that “experts predict that production will
peak in 2010, and then drop over subsequent years”—but these
publications made no attempt to inform readers of the monumental
implications of these statements. The average person had no clue the
entire world was poised on the brink of an economic cataclysm—vast,
unprecedented, and inevitable.
Yet there were individuals who did comprehend the situation. Many were
petroleum geologists who had spent their careers searching the globe
for oil deposits, honing the theoretical and technical skills that
enabled them to assess fairly accurately just how much oil was left in
the ground.
M. King Hubbert: energy visionary
During the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s, Marion King Hubbert became one of the
best-known geophysicists in the world because of his disturbing
prediction, first announced in 1949, that the fossil-fuel era would
prove to be very brief.
The idea that oil would run out eventually wasn’t original. In the
1920s many geologists had warned that world petroleum supplies would be
exhausted in a matter of years. The early wells in Pennsylvania had
played out quickly; and extrapolating that initial experience to the
limited reserves known in the first two decades of the century yielded
an extremely pessimistic forecast for oil’s future.
However, the huge discoveries in east Texas and the Persian Gulf during
the 1930s made such predictions laughable. Each year far more oil was
being found than was being extracted. The doomsayers having been proven
wrong, most people associated with the industry came to assume that
supply and demand could continue to increase far into the future, with
no end in sight. Hubbert, armed with better data and methods,
challenged that assumption.
Hubbert was born in 1903 in central Texas, the hub of world oil
exploration during the early 20th century. In a long career working
with oil companies, government, and the geology departments of several
top schools, Hubbert made many important contributions to geophysics,
any of which would have been sufficient to assure him a prominent place
in the history of geology. But his greatest recognition came from his
studies of petroleum and natural gas reserves. In 1949, he calculated
total world oil and natural gas supplies and documented their sharply
increasing consumption. In 1956, he predicted that the peak of
crude-oil production in the United States would occur between 1966 and
1972. At the time, most economists, oil companies, and government
agencies dismissed the prediction. The peak occurred in 1970, though
this was not apparent until 1971.
Hubbert then devoted his efforts to forecasting the global production
peak. With the figures then available for recoverable reserves, he
estimated that the peak would come between the years 1995 and 2000.
This forecast would prove pessimistic, due to inadequate data and minor
flaws in Hubbert’s method. Yet other researchers would later refine
both input data and method in order to arrive at more reliable
predictions—which would still vary from Hubbert’s by only about a
Hubbert grasped the vast economic and social implications of this
information. He understood the role of fossil fuels in the creation of
the modern industrial world, and thus foresaw the wrenching transition
that would likely occur following the peak in global extraction rates.
Starting in the 1950s, Hubbert outlined how society needed to change in
order to prepare for a post-petroleum regime. Here’s an example, taken
from his summary of a 1981 seminar he gave at the MIT Energy Laboratory:
The world’s present industrial civilization is handicapped by the
coexistence of two universal, overlapping, and incompatible
intellectual systems: the accumulated knowledge of the last four
centuries of the properties and interrelationships of matter and
energy; and the associated monetary culture which has evolved from
folkways of prehistoric origin.
Despite their inherent incompatibilities, these two systems during the
last two centuries have had one fundamental characteristic in common,
namely exponential growth, which has made a reasonably stable
coexistence possible. But
it is impossible for the matter-energy
system to sustain exponential growth for more than a few tens of
doublings, and this phase is by now almost over. The monetary system
has no such constraints, and, according to one of its most fundamental
rules, it must continue to grow by compound interest.
Hubbert believed that society, if it is to avoid chaos during the
energy decline, must adopt a monetary system that would acknowledge the
finite nature of essential resources.
Hubbert was quoted as saying that we are in a “crisis in the evolution
of human society. It’s unique to both human and geologic history. It
has never happened before and it can’t possibly happen again. You can
only use oil once. You can only use metals once. Soon all the oil is
going to be burned and all the metals mined and scattered.”
Statements like this gave Hubbert the popular image of a doomsayer. Yet
he was not a pessimist; indeed, on occasion he could assume the role of
utopian seer. We have, he believed, the necessary know-how; all we need
to do is overhaul our culture and find an alternative to money. If
society were to develop solar-energy technologies, reduce its
population and its demands on resources, and develop a steady-state
economy to replace the present one based on unending growth, our
species’ future could be rosy indeed. “We are not starting from zero,”
he emphasized. “We have an enormous amount of existing technical
knowledge. It’s just a matter of putting it all together. We still have
great flexibility but our maneuverability will diminish with time.”
Hubbert’s legacy
Since Hubbert’s death, other prominent petroleum geologists have used
their own versions of his method to make updated predictions of the
world’s oil production peak. Their results diverge only narrowly.
Colin J. Campbell is by most accounts the dean among Hubbert’s
followers. After earning his Ph.D. at Oxford in 1957, Campbell worked
first for Texaco and then for Amoco as an exploration geologist. He has
published extensively on the subject of petroleum depletion, and is
author of the book The Coming Oil Crisis.
Campbell’s most prominent and influential publication was the article
“The End of Cheap Oil?”, published in the March 1998 issue of Scientific American.
The co-author of that article, Jean Laherrère, had worked for the oil
company Total (now Total Fina Elf) for 37 years in a variety of roles
encompassing exploration activities in the Sahara, Australia, Canada,
and France. Like Campbell, Laherrère had also been associated with
Petroconsultants in Geneva.
The Scientific American article’s most arresting features were its sobering title and its conclusion:
From an economic perspective, when the world runs completely out of
oil is ... not directly relevant: what matters is when production
begins to taper off. Beyond that point, prices will rise unless demand
declines commensurately. Using several different techniques to estimate
the current reserves of conventional oil and the amount still left to
be discovered, we conclude that the decline will begin before 2010.
Some of the essential elements of Hubbert’s message have been taken up
by others who are not petroleum geologists. One example is Matthew
Simmons, founder of Simmons & Company International, an independent
investment bank specializing in the energy industry. Simmons describes
himself as a lifelong Republican with 30 years of experience in
investment banking. In a lecture called “Digging Out of Our Energy
Mess,” delivered to the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in
June 2001, Simmons notes:
Even the Middle East is now beginning to experience, for the first
time ever, how hard it is to grow production once giant fields roll
over and begin to decline. There is so little data on field-by-field
production statistics in the Middle East that any guesses on average
decline rates are simply speculation. But there is growing evidence
that almost every giant field in the Middle East has already passed its
peak production.
Are there other oil sources?
Technology rarely offers a free ride; there are new costs incurred by
nearly every technological advance. In the technologies involved with
energy resource extraction, such costs are often reflected in the ratio
of energy return on energy invested (EROEI). How much energy do we have
to expend in order to obtain a given energy resource? In the early days
of oil exploration, when we used simple technologies to access large,
previously untapped reservoirs, the amount of energy that had to be
invested in the enterprise was insignificant when compared with the
amount harvested. As oil fields age, and technology becomes more
advanced and costly, that ratio becomes less favorable. Technologies
will no doubt be developed to increase the amount recoverable from
existing reservoirs; we will indeed be able to get more oil out of
wells than we otherwise would have, but we will have to invest more
energy to obtain that oil, with an ever-decreasing EROEI.
How important is EROEI? When the EROEI ratio for oil exploration
declines to the point that it merely breaks even—that is, when the
energy equivalent of a barrel of oil must be invested in order to
obtain a barrel of oil—the exercise will become almost pointless.
Even if oil remains a useful lubricant or a feedstock for plastics, it
will have ceased to be an energy resource. EROEI is also an essential
consideration in the substitution of one energy resource for another.
If we replace an energy resource that has, say, a 4:1 EROEI ratio with
an alternative that has a 2:1 EROEI ratio, we will have to produce
twice as much gross energy to obtain the same net quantity. Thus, when
a society adopts lower-EROEI energy sources, the amount of energy
available to do work in that society will inevitably decline.
When Europeans began substituting coal for wood, they found that their
substitute sometimes contained more energy per kilogram than the
original resource. When industrial countries began switching from coal
to oil, the substitute was much more energy-dense. Some suggest that
industrial societies will deal with petroleum shortages by switching
back to coal, but coal is substantially less energy-dense and thus
unsuitable for supplying society’s vastly increased energy needs.
Natural gas is also mentioned as an alternative, but is there enough
available to substitute for oil? North American production of natural
gas may be peaking as you read this.
Ah, you might say, but there is enough shale oil to last 5,000 years!
Shale oil (or oil shale) is actually a misnomer: the rock is not shale
but organic marlstone, and it contains no oil, but rather a solid
organic material called kerogen. Promoters prefer the term “oil shale,”
which facilitates the sale of venture shares. Efforts to develop an oil
shale industry date back nearly 90 years, and so far all attempts have
failed. The recovery process involves mining ore, transporting it,
heating it to 900°F, adding hydrogen, and disposing of the waste, which
is much greater in volume than the original ore and is also a pollution
hazard. Processing and auxiliary support facilities require large
amounts of fresh water—a resource intrinsically more precious than
Oil sands are likewise reputed to be potential substitutes for
conventional oil. The Athabasca oil sands in northern Alberta contain
an estimated 870 billion to 1.3 trillion barrels of oil—an amount
equal to or greater than all of the conventional oil extracted to date.
Currently, Syncrude (a consortium of companies) and Suncor (a division
of Sun Oil Company) operate oil sands plants in Alberta. Syncrude now
produces over 200,000 barrels of oil a day. The extraction process
involves using hot-water flotation to remove a thin coating of oil from
grains of sand, then adding naphtha to the resulting tar-like material
to thin it so that it can be pumped. Currently, two tons of sand must
be mined in order to yield one barrel of oil. As with oil shale, the
net-energy figures for oil sands are discouraging. Geologist Walter
Youngquist notes “it takes the equivalent of two out of each three
barrels of oil recovered to pay for all the energy and other costs
involved in getting the oil from the oil sands.
The primary method used to process oil sands yields an oily wastewater.
For each barrel of oil recovered, 2.5 barrels of liquid waste are
pumped into huge ponds. In the Syncrude pond, 14 miles in
circumference, 20 feet of murky water floats on a 130-foot-thick slurry
of sand, silt, clay, and unrecovered oil. Residents of northern Alberta
have engaged in activist campaigns to close down the oil sands plants
because of devastating environmental problems, including displacement
of native people, destruction of boreal forests, livestock deaths, and
an increase in miscarriages.
Replacing conventional crude with oil sands to meet the world’s energy
appetite would require about 700 additional plants the size of the
existing Syncrude plant. Together, they would generate a waste pond the
size of Lake Ontario. While oil sands represent a potential energy
asset for Canada, they cannot make up for the inevitable decline in the
global production of conventional oil.
Ultimately, we will only know after the fact when global oil production
has peaked : one year we will notice that gasoline prices have been
climbing at a rapid pace, and we will look back on the previous few
years’ petroleum production figures and note a downward slope. It is
possible (as noted geologist Kenneth Deffeyes—author of Hubbert’s Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage—suggests) that the first global production peak has already happened—in the fall of 2000—and that the next decade will be a “plateau”
period, in which economic recessions will lower energy demand,
temporarily masking the underlying depletion trend.
The US reached a fork in the road in the 1970s. In some respects it is
still hesitating at that juncture. The two conflicting paths of action
with which we were—and still are—presented correspond fairly
closely with the “two universal, overlapping, and incompatible
intellectual systems” mentioned by Hubbert.
On the one hand is the path of the optimists, who proclaim that
resources are effectively infinite, and that the more of any resource
we consume, the more its reserves will grow. The human intellect is the
greatest resource of all, the optimists tell us, and so population
growth means that we all benefit from an increasing collective
problem-solving capacity. Like money in the bank expanding inexorably
through compound interest, humanity is growing a measurably brighter
future with each passing year as it reproduces, transforms its
environment, invents new technologies, and consumes resources.
On the other hand is the path of scientists who tell us that resources
are limited. The Earth’s carrying capacity is finite, and the biosphere
on which we depend cannot for long continue to absorb the rapidly
expanding stream of wastes from industrial civilization.
As a result of their inaction, our leaders have in effect chosen the
path of the optimists, which implies that we will continue to use
fossil fuels at whatever rates are dictated by the market, since to do
otherwise will hurt the economy.
This latter path involves less short-term intervention in the economy
and works to the near-term advantage of the powerful in society
(including the oil and automobile companies). By taking it, our
politicians have simply followed the path of least resistance. The
consequences—if the optimists are wrong and the physical scientists
are right—will be devastating for nearly everyone.
Richard Heinberg is a journalist and educator, and author of four
previous books. His monthly MuseLetter ( was
nominated in 1994 by Utne Reader for an Alternative Press Award and has
been included in Utne’s annual list of Best Alternative Newsletters. He
teaches courses on “Energy and Society” and “Culture, Ecology and
Sustainable Community"at New College of California. He is also an
accomplished classical violinist.
This article was adapted from Heinberg’s new book The Party’s Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies, New Society, 2003
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