the world, deregulation is leading to a breakdown of local enterprise
and ever-greater dependence on long-distance trade and transport. This
in turn means ever-increasing consumption of fossil fuels. So
globalization is directly and inextricably linked to climate change.
If we want to avoid the havoc and hardship that further climate
change will inevitably bring, we must begin to make a U-turn: away from
globalization and toward the strengthening of local and national
economies. Since globalization goes hand-in-hand with urbanization,
this means actively working to protect and strengthen rural life.
Localization is about shortening the distance between producers
and consumers. It is not about eliminating all trade, but rather about
reducing to an absolute minimum the exorbitant waste now caused by
having everything from butter to raw logs crisscrossing the globe.
Localization needs to happen simultaneously in both the North and
the South. As things stand today, roughly 50 percent of the world’s
population is still rurally based - the majority of them are in the
South. It is vital that everything is done to prevent this proportion
from declining.
A common assumption, even among environmentalists, is that the
nations of the South need a little more time to catch up with the North
(in other words, more access to global markets) before they can be
expected to reduce their fossil fuel consumption and begin to localize.
But such thinking flies in the face of reality. Contrary to the
propaganda, the global economy cannot possibly enable villagers in
rural China or Bangladesh to live the life of middle-class Westerners.
For the vast majority, it cannot even provide the most basic needs of
housing, education, clothing, health care, nutrition and employment. As
recent experience has shown, what globalization does do is increase the
gap between rich and poor, pulling vast numbers of people away from the
land into squalid urban slums.
If, like the North, the South had colonies to exploit, the
situation might be different. But they don’t - and simple arithmetic
tells us that it’s impossible for everyone to emulate a model that
allows people to use vastly more than their fair share of the Earth’s
In the rural villages of the South, life can be undeniably hard.
But villagers can at least grow a few vegetables, maybe keep some
chickens or even a cow, and they can rely on friends and family for
help with agricultural work. In the slums of the big cities, by
contrast, they suddenly become dependent on hard cash for all their
basic needs. What’s more, every single thing they consume has to be
brought in from outside, increasing CO2 emissions and placing a further
burden on the environment. The major beneficiaries are the large
transnational employers for whom the migrants represent a source of
cheap and compliant labor.
Preventing further urbanization in the South requires programs
that actively support the rural economy. In this regard, renewable
energy technologies can play a vital role. Many parts of the South are
blessed with abundant sunshine, which could be tapped for a range of
both domestic and commercial uses. Other areas have wind, water or
geothermal potential. Renewable energy technologies hold out the
possibility of truly sustainable development. They are non-polluting
and can be adapted to different cultural and ecological environments.
They would cost a fraction of the sums of money currently being poured
into huge dams, greenhouse gas-emitting, coal-fired plants and nuclear
Such changes cannot come about without a major shift of emphasis
in the economies of the North. For decades, northern-based corporations
have used the South as both larder and dumping ground - stripping whole
countries of their natural resources. This process is now accelerating
as corporations comb the globe for ever-cheaper resources and labor.
Clearly, the North needs to localize and that means producing
vastly more of the goods it consumes closer to home so that no more of
the best farm land in Kenya is turned over to growing cut flowers for
the Netherlands, no more Brazilian rainforest is cut down to produce
grain to feed the animals that will furnish Americans with hamburgers.
The consequences of allowing globalization to continue
uncontrolled are hard to predict but would certainly include massive
and irreversible damage to the Earth’s climate. We have no choice but
to promote a decentralized development model that would both strengthen
local economies and reduce pollution. Neither the North nor the South
can afford to wait. We all need to localize now.
Helena Norberg-Hodge is a director of the International Society of Ecology and Culture. Reprinted from The Ecologist [].
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