Entebbe, population 90,000, is a pleasant, green city on the edge of
Uganda’s Lake Victoria, site of a world-famous botanic garden. It is
also the former seat of the Ugandan government and home of Uganda’s
international airport. When President Bush visited Entebbe in July for
a few hours, international attention was focused on Uganda, although
all too briefly.
The people of Entebbe are eager to join in the global economy and feel
a stronger connection to the rest of the world. With a little
assistance they could hook up Entebbe Secondary School’s computer lab
to the Internet. Small-business leaders could benefit from advice on
marketing their products in the US. AIDS orphans, some as young as 12,
are heads of their households, and a few dollars would go a long way
toward providing them with food or school books.
Sadly, most Americans invest little personal energy in Africa or the
lives of Africans. Americans don’t often travel to Africa, which, in
2001, ranked lower than 25th in a list of top international travel
destinations for American tourists. Of all the countries in Africa,
South Africa is the most popular destination of American tourists. And
those who do vacation in Africa seem more interested in the animals
than the people. This is a wasted opportunity for Americans. Africans
have much to teach our society.
City Talk has been talking to people in community groups, school
districts, local governments, public libraries, and churches in the San
Francisco Bay Area about Africa, Uganda, and Entebbe and the warmth and
generous spirit of its people. We’d like to see email pen pal
relationships break down international and cultural barriers and dispel
the myths about Africa. We’d like to set up partnerships between groups
in the Bay Area and groups in Entebbe for exchange visits, technical
advice, and support for education. Eventually we’d like to cement this
interest in a sister city relationship between Entebbe and one Bay Area
But it’s not been easy to get our message across. First, there are
always pressing social problems at home, such as feeding the homeless.
Or now is not a good time because budget cuts mean teachers are losing
jobs and fire stations have to close. It’s hard to find arguments
against this. Africa is always there and always far away.
Sadly there is also a troubling undercurrent among individuals and
community organizations that a relationship with Africa is a “black”
thing. African-Americans have been the main proponents of closer
cultural ties with Africa through sister city relationships. Almost all
of the 76 currently active US-Africa sister city links are coordinated
by African-Americans and are primarily supported by that community. In
some areas near San Francisco, African-Americans make up less than
three percent of the population. Initiating a relationship with a black
African culture seemed to have little appeal and or relevance to most
Perhaps African-Americans have more personal reasons for wanting to
relate to Africans. But Africa cannot be dismissed by whites and others
as a place that only the black community should care about. This
exclusionary attitude benefits no one. If an entire community,
regardless of ethnic background or self-interest, finds a way to
connect with Africa in a meaningful supportive way, it educates itself
and provides a springboard for awareness and interest to reach our
elected officials.
America bears much of the responsibility for the unjust economic rules
that keep America rich and Africa poor. Playing out America’s divisions
between black and white communities on the international stage will not
help Africa.
Take Action: To help City Talk build bridges between African
and American towns, contact City Talk at 300 Broadway, Suite 28, San
Francisco CA94133, (415) 788-3666.
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