While mega-cruise ships may conjure up images of romance and five-star
service, they also pollute our water and air, evade taxes, pay
substandard wages, and lobby around the democratic process. C-SAW
continues its efforts to drag this billion-dollar polluter into the
21st century.
C-SAW (with the support of Bluewater Network) recently launched a
statewide initiative process in Alaska to plug the leaks in the State’s
2001 cruise ship law. Although Alaska’s rules are the best in the
country, they remain far from adequate. Many wastestreams and
pollutants go unregulated, industry monitoring remains minimal,
violations bring meaningless penalties, and the industry refuses to pay
taxes to municipalities to offset the impacts of cruise ships’ visits.
Let the people decide
The C-SAW Cruise Ship Ballot Initiative (CSBI), co-authored with the
Juneau-based group Responsible Cruising in Alaska (RCA), will establish
permits on all discharges and require that every wastestream meet the
Alaska Water Quality Standards, enforcing the same rules applied to
every other discharger into Alaska waters. The CSBI will require that
licensed marine engineers are always on board to inspect pollution
control equipment, test discharges, and stop the possible falsification
of the logbooks required by the Coast Guard.
The CSBI will also establish a statewide “head” tax ($50/passenger) to
be distributed to affected communities. Juneau is the only city in
Alaska with enough clout to charge a head tax ($5/passenger) at this
time, even though the industry routinely pays such taxes in other ports
around the world. Princess Cruises recently announced it will abandon
the port of Seward in favor of nearby Whittier next season, following
Whittier’s rescindment of a $1 head tax and minimal ship service fee.
Princess’ decision abruptly ended an eight-year relationship with
Seward merchants, who had invested millions of dollars to serve the
industry. Any head tax must be applied statewide, since the industry
regularly pits towns against each other by pulling out of communities
that try to collect.
Other provisions in the CSBI will tax the industry’s gambling profits
and income at the same rates paid by other gambling and corporate
entities in Alaska.
Who is running Alaska?
We fully expected a concerted effort by the cruise industry to sink the
CSBI, which promises an annual economic windfall to the State of
$50-100 million and will bring obvious environmental benefits for the
public and Alaska’s fishing and tourism economies. Unfortunately, the
Murkowski administration has aided and abetted the industry by making
it nearly impossible for C-SAW to get the CSBI on the ballot. C-SAW and
RCA submitted the CSBI petition to the Alaska Department of Law in
April. The State “evaluated” the petition without reaching a decision
for nearly four months. Eventually, the State rejected the petition
because the taxing provision could have been construed to apply to
foreign-flagged airplanes as well as foreign-flagged cruise ships, and
the gambling tax could theoretically have been imposed on a Friday
night poker game in Nome. Without State certification that the CSBI is
consistent with the State Constitution, supporters are unable to begin
the signature drive to place the initiative on the ballot.
Undaunted, C-SAW and RCA clarified the goals of the petition and
resubmitted. But more than another month has gone by without
certification; litigation may be necessary to force the issue. If these
delays keep the CSBI off the November 2004 ballot, C-SAW and RCA fully
intend to put the measure to a vote in 2006. Meanwhile, C-SAW is
working with a broad coalition of groups around the country to sponsor
a federal law that would eliminate the need for state-by-state remedies.
It is clear to everyone, especially the cruise industry, that Alaskans
will eventually vote this initiative into law. We suspect the
industry’s real fear is not simply that the Alaska CSBI will pass
overwhelmingly; rather, if our grassroots-based effort is successful
here, who will beat them next?
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